Art Direction & Brand



Run with Us

REI has deep expertise in the run space through its store employees who are runners, but because the co-op is known for its outdoor activities like camp and hike, this expertise was largely unknown in the running community.
Run with us, a video series, told the stories of a select group of REI employees who are also runners. Their stories show how everyone has their own unique relationship with running, but the the love of the run unites us in spite of our differences. The series communicates how REI understands runners and their needs and encourages its customers to lean on REI to support them in their run journey.

Producer Mary Beth Lavender
DP Jacob Rosen
Director Amy Enser
Film Editor(s) Katie Van Fleet and Amy Enser
Art Director Samantha Ricca
Copywriter Keith Erps

Full length

15s / short format individual profile


30s / long format individual profile

30s / long format individual profile


Cultural Moment Posters

REI Internal Marketing

We collaborated with external artists to produce posters for cultural moments throughout the year. The posters provided a visual conversation starter for employees to learn more about these moments. I selected the artists, provided art direction from start to execution, and worked with internal stakeholders to communicate the vision and obtain buy-in.


REI Local Events

Art directed various creative kits for local REI marketing events

REI Issaquah Office Mural
Artist Stevie Hsao
Art Direction Samantha Ricca




Rebranded a healthcare startup company in Seattle


Adrian Elwell

Created a distinct brand for a stylist in San Franciso


Show + Tell

My friend and I co-founded a design meetup in San Francisco.